Jas Ancheta Interiors

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Refreshing Your Child’s Study Area? 3 Interior Design Ideas To Try

It’s always a good time to refresh your child’s study area. And while students are back to face- to-face classes, hybrid days are not about to go away soon, nor will the need for a home study to work on assignments.

In this piece, we share three easy interior design ideas for updating your child’s study area in time for school.

Add visual interest to the room’s interior design

Whether your child is attending classes via Zoom or doing homework, a work area that is visually interesting and more importantly, tailored to their personal style, will make for a more inspiring space to study in.

Here are a few ways to do it:

* Create a mood board. A mood board can be a cork board, white board (or any magnetic board) that can hold pieces of art, quotes, and other visual items that can help spark ideas. An even better, it can double as decor. Get your child involved in placing items on the board. This can include personal artworks, postcards, photos or even tridimensional objects such as magnets, handmade crafts, or any item they may fancy. Finally, mount the mood in an area in front of your child’s desk.

* Add greenery. It is a well-known fact that plants have health benefits that can help make a home study more conducive to work. Indoor plants purify the air, help lessen stress, and sharpen concentration. Not to mention, the very sight of greenery not only lends a sense of calm and visual interest to a study area.

* Add decorative yet functional items. A colorful study desk with items that marry form and function further turns any area from boring to inspiring. In a pinch, a decorative jar can work as a pen holder. Tablet stands and mobile phone holders in your child’s favorite color or print further personalizes his or her space. On the other hand, a decorative catch-all for small school supplies helps manage desktop messes.

Declutter and update storage solutions.

As your child’s school supplies and books accumulate over the months and years, you may find that your home study area is slowly getting overtaken by these items. Take time to declutter and sort any items that can be kept and those that can be donated.

Ensure that educational materials don’t go to waste by sending these to charities, where these school supplies and books can be put to good use.

As for the remaining items? Get creative with book storage by applying a decorative sense to organizing these. A few interior design ideas to try/ You can try organizing books by color or combine vertical storage with horizontal stacks. Adding framed art and decorate items like a colorful paperweight also makes for a more visually appealing bookshelf.

Invisible book shelves like this iconic design by Umbra makes books appear a thought they are floating on walls.

As for school supplies, get creative with storing these by using storage bins like these colorful, stackable ones or get crafty with these DIY fabric-covered boxes.

Pick out ergonomic furniture.

Finally, make your child’s home study more comfortable and conducive to study with functional items that do their health good.

Ergonomic chairs need not look drab and dull. From midcentury modern inspired designs to bright-colored printed options, you can find a comfy office chair that your child will appreciate as much as enjoy using.

As for your child’s work desk, investing in a standing desk can help make hours of study more bearable. You can now find a variety of desks that can be manually adjusted or comes with a built-in monitor. The designs are usually minimalist but that only means you can easily decorate these to fit your child’s personal aesthetic. No intention to update the desk? Laptop risers or desktop risers can easily convert a regular table to a standing desk.

Thinking of adding artwork to your child’s study area? We can help you curate pieces that will fit right in with your child’s personal space. Visit www.jasanchetainteriors.com to learn more.